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tvrmonster news
13th May 2012

TVRsSW is now…OPEN!

A BIG thanks from Col, Tina and their family to everyone who popped in to TVRsSW in Wellington for the opening of their new family business.

Officially open from last Monday, Saturday the 12th was their open day to launch the new premises to customers old and new.

Things kicked off at 9.30 with breakfast bacon rolls and hot tea with Col and Tina welcoming the first batch of TVRs. Around 15 cars made the early grub and during the day the car park filled up to 50 cars for the lunchtime BBQ. The day flew past with many friends coming and going, a couple only arriving at 16.30 for the last rounds of Tea and cakes.

TVRs were prominent ofcourse with some very nice cars attending.
Perry Waddams LS3 Tuscan Challenge car, T350s, Cerbs, Griffs and dbv8 “NOS” Chim (nice to see you again Del. A great turnout. But not just TVRs. There was a rather nice Ferrari 328GT, a beautiful Titanium S2 E-Type and a rather tasty Ginetta G27 to name just a couple of the more noticeable kit!

So, the racks are up, the ramps are in, the tools are there and – essentially – a very comfy reception/viewing area is all set up so once again I’d like to wish my mate Col all the best in his new business. If you’d like to make the most of his 20 years of specialist knowledge the number is 01823 662 555 or pop into the works for a look round and a chat.

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